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李鑫  博士

讲师  硕士生导师

● 出生年月




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● 学习经历

2015.09-2020.06   江南大学;食品科学与工程;博士研究生

2012.09-2015.03   天津科技大学;食品工程;硕士研究生

2008.09-2012.06   烟台大学;食品质量与安全;本科生

● 主讲课程



● 研究方向




● 教学、科研项目



3、蛋黄组分对蛋清蛋白打发性影响及作用机制研究,江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目,2.5万,1/1, 2018-2020,1/2,结题,主持。



● 主要论文、专著与专利



[1] Xin Li, et. al (2022). Investigations of foaming, interfacial and structural properties of dispersions, batters and cakes formed by industrial yolk-contaminated egg white protein. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 154, 112776. SCI收录,1区,IF6.056[2] Xin Li, et. al (2021). Comparative study on foaming properties of egg white with yolk fractions and their hydrolysates. Foods, 10, 2238. SCI收录,2区, IF 5.561

[3] Xin Li, et. al (2020). Egg white protein microgels as aqueous Pickering foam stabilizers: Bubble stability and interfacial properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 98, 105292. SCI收录,1区,IF 9.147

[4] Xin Li, et. al (2020). Combination of egg white protein and microgels to stabilized foams: impact of processing treatments. Journal of food engineering, 109860. SCI收录,1区,IF 6.203

[5] Xin Li, et. al (2019). Foaming characterization of fresh egg white proteins as a function of different proportions of egg yolk fractions. Food Hydrocolloids 90, 118-125. SCI收录,1区,IF 9.147

[6] Xin Li, et. al (2015). Fabrication of gelatin-laponite composite films: Effect of the concentration of laponite on physical properties and freshness of meat during storage. Food Hydrocolloids 44, 390-398. SCI收录,1区,IF 9.147

[7] Junhua Li1, Xin Li1, et. al (2018). Characteristics of gelling and water holding properties of hen egg white/yolk gel with NaCl addition. Food Hydrocolloids 77, 887-893. SCI收录,1区,IF 9.147

[8] Cuihua Chang, Xin Li, et. al (2017). Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on characteristics and synergistic efficiency of pectin on emulsifying properties of egg white protein. Food hydrocolloids 65, 87-95. SCI收录,1区,IF 9.147

[9] Chenying Wang, Junhua Li, Xin Li, Mengqi Zhang, Luping Gu, Cuihua Chang, Yujie Su, Yanjun Yang (2020). Molecular forces and gelling properties of heat-induced gel from egg white protein glycated with isomalto-oligosaccharide. Food Hydrocolloids 99, 105356. SCI收录,1区,IF 9.147

[10] Chenying Wang, Junhua Li, Xin Li, Cuihua Chang, Mengqi Zhang, Luping Gu, Yujie Su, Yanjun Yang (2019). Emulsifying properties of glycation or glycation-heat modified egg white protein. Food Research International 119, 227-235. SCI收录,1区,IF 7.425

[11] Junhua Li, Chenying Wang, Xin Li, Yuejie Su, Yanjun Yang, Xiaobing Yu (2018). Effects of pH and NaCl on the physicochemical and interfacial properties of egg white/yolk. Food Bioscience 23, 115-120. SCI收录,2区,IF 5.318

[12] Cuihua Chang, Junhua Li, Xin Li, Chenying Wang, Bei Zhou, Yujie Su, Yanjun Yang (2017). Effect of protein microparticle and pectin on properties of light mayonnaise. LWT-Food Science and Technology 82, 8-14. SCI收录,1区,IF6.056

[13] 李鑫,等. 复合型黑蒜通便功能饮料对BALB/c小鼠通便功能的影响, 中国食品添加剂, 2014,(6):49-53.

[14] 李鑫,等. 黑蒜饮料杀菌条件的确定及其对理化性质的影响, 食品安全质量检测学报, 2014, (11):3711-3717.

[15] 李鑫,等. 澄清型黑蒜饮料的流变特性研究, 食品工业科技, 2015, (7):132-143.

[16] 李鑫. 基于食品科学与工程专业探讨网络教学模式, 现代食品, 2021, (1): 43-45.

[17] 李鑫. “食品检验检疫学双语教学模式的研究与探索, 农产品加工, 2022, (1):87-89.

[18] 李鑫,等. 基于应用型人才培养的食品专业教学模式改革, 食品工业, 2022, 43(4):225-227.


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